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  • Sku: CIS-N-GF-ZAM

UAE Dispatching Time: 0-1 Days, UAE Delivery Time: 1-2 Days

Dispatching Time: Time to dispatch order, Delivery Time: Time to deliver order to your customer after dispatch

Casual Infant Shoes

11.00 AED
In stock!
Country where you want to sell? (Price & SKU Code Varies)
Bulk Purchasing
Number of Pieces
20-50 pieces
51-99 pieces
100+ pieces
These prices are valid for UAE only. For KSA, please contact your account manager or our Support Number

Product Description

About This Item

  • ✅ Running shoes, men's dress shoes, and women's shoes are all designed with specific or versatile designs suitable for various activities.
  • ✅ The sole of the shoe is designed with comfortable cushioning and good elasticity, reducing foot fatigue when walking for extended periods.
  • ✅ The rubber sole material provides excellent friction resistance, increasing durability and traction on all terrain types and ensuring safety for users.
  • ✅ The shoe upper is designed with breathable material to reduce sweat and odor, while also offering a variety of styles and colors to choose from, suitable for various styles and outfits.
  • ✅ With a variety of sizes and designs to choose from, users can find the most suitable shoes for their feet and create an impressive style.
  • ✅ Policy: 12-month warranty for all products with full refund or replacement.
  • ✅ Customer Service: If you have any issues with our products, such as damaged or incorrect items, please send us a message on our page. We will immediately provide you with the best solution to resolve any issues.
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Important Information

Quality Checked

Each product we sell, it goes through from a through quality check and then we ship to your customers

3 Days Replacement Warranty

We provide 3 days replacement warranty on all products. Please mention same on your website

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Please find the exact product video to run ads to avoid any customer complaints. Wrong advertisement may lead to account blockage

For Bulk Buy & Scaling

If you want to buy this product in Bulk or want to Scale this product, please contact us on our Whatsapp Chat number